Tuesday 22 October 2013

Week 5

Last week was accessories week and we were told to make a well thought out accessory based on a personal object. I chose to use my extensions. A black girl bringing in extensions is very cliché but this cliché is true for me. Extensions have been a part of me for many years. I was once known as the girl with extensions.

At the start of the week we were given a presentation on accessory designers that cross over into other fields. The main Designer that stuck me was Iris van Herpen. Her elaborate and intricate details make her clothes and accessories captivating to look at. I was inspired.

Surprisingly I enjoyed the research portion of the week which included gathering as much visual evidence using your object. I used the photocopier to create interesting shapes, patterns, outlines and forms using the hair, I drew the interesting shapes and angles I saw. I felt that I produced interesting patterns.

By the end of the week I produced an oversize epaulette that I am very pleased with. I enjoyed working on the mannequins to help start the design process. 

To improve I would spend more time on the construction. As it is now there are glue gun marks everywhere due to my lack of delicacy and minimal construction techniques. 

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