Saturday 12 April 2014

fmp day 4

Today my main focus was to get feedback from my tutor and evaluate my work so far. She didn't completely hate my work and said it had potential. It reminded her of the William Morris (the arts and crafts movement) but in order to bring it into the 21st century I should:

  1. Look at Eley Kishimoto.
  2. Make my print solid, at the moments it's thin lines and this wont translate well onto fabric. 
  3. Change my colour palette and fabric choice. 
I am trying to develop 2 different prints at the same time, the first one she likes but the stained glass window print she doesn't. She said people don't like to wear other people. I understand this. 

I feel this day was very useful as I now have clarity on how to move my forward and into the 2014. for the next lesson I want to look at eley kishimoto in more detail and respond to it.

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