Friday 28 February 2014

cultures: week 1

I really like the project so far, I am trying to focus on my weaknesses and design at every stage of the project. Week one was about researching and collecting images. I picked Savile Row meets Bugslife as a title. I tired to use the scanner to create new interesting images, but this did not work at all so I went straight into designing based on the photo's found. I liked the fact that my initial drawing are very intuitive and great response. I thought the drawings were very childish so I drew a template starting drawing my designs on top of this. I thought it would look more sophisticated and I thought my tutor would hate the child-like drawings.

I was surprised by the amount of work produced, I worked pretty fast during the first week and had many designs to refine and add to at a later stage. I was also surprised by the ideas I came up with. My next step is to think about how to move the initial designs on.

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