Friday 28 February 2014

3 Words: week 2

By the end of the 2 week I had completed an okay body work. Nothing to scream and shout about but I do like certain works. I spent the last week focused on designing so I began with collage work and working on the stands. I came to a resolution of 6 designs and 4 prints. Designing this way meant that I had 2 stand workshops to look to for help with shape. Overall I liked the freedom, I think this is evident through out my sketchbook. I feel I have developed a style and a way to work which I find comfortable.

However throughout the project I never quite established a solid colour scheme so rendering the prints on the designs proved to be very difficult. The colours and the density of the patterns clashed and made it hard for the prints to sit with the garments harmoniously.

If I could re-do the project I would focus more on the design side and just keep drawing. I find that this sketchbook lacks basic fashion drawings and illustrations. I need to be designing and refining at every stage. But I find that I enjoy making prints and using Photoshop. I also think they make the illustrations look more real and finalised without making each and every garment. next time I would also not just focus on jackets and make sure I have a complete collection of tops, trousers and dresses with outerwear and knitwear.

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